package eu.lod2.rsine; import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; class CmdParams { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CmdParams.class); private Properties properties; private JCommander jc; @Parameter(names = {"-s", "--sparql-endpoint"}, description = "URI of managed store SPARQL endpoint") public String managedStoreSparqlEndpoint; @Parameter(names = {"-a", "--authoritative-uri"}, description = "URI scheme of local resources") public String authoritativeUri; @Parameter(names = {"-p", "--port"}, description = "Port where rsine listens for incoming connections") public Integer port = 2221; @Parameter(names = {"-h", "--help"}, description = "Outputs commannd line parameter description") boolean help = false; public String feedbackFileName; CmdParams() { } CmdParams(String[] args) { initPropertiesFromFile(); jc = new JCommander(this); jc.setProgramName("rsine"); jc.parse(args); if (help) { jc.usage(); } else { loadUnsetValuesFromProperties(); checkParams(); logParamValues(); } } private void initPropertiesFromFile() { properties = new Properties(); ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); InputStream stream = loader.getResourceAsStream(Rsine.propertiesFileName); try { properties.load(stream); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Error reading properties file " +Rsine.propertiesFileName); } } private void loadUnsetValuesFromProperties() { authoritativeUri = getFromPropsIfNull(authoritativeUri, "managedstore.authUri"); managedStoreSparqlEndpoint = getFromPropsIfNull(managedStoreSparqlEndpoint, "managedstore.endpoint"); feedbackFileName = getFromPropsIfNull(feedbackFileName, "feedback.filename"); if (port == null) { try { this.port = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty("port")); } catch (Exception e) { port = null; } } if (authoritativeUri == null) { autoConfAuthUri(); } } private String getFromPropsIfNull(String obj, String propertyKey) { if (obj == null) { return (String) properties.get(propertyKey); } return obj; } private void autoConfAuthUri() { URI sparqlEndpointUri = null; try { sparqlEndpointUri = new URI(managedStoreSparqlEndpoint); authoritativeUri = sparqlEndpointUri.getScheme() +"://"+ sparqlEndpointUri.getHost(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { logger.warn("Could not autodetect authoritative URI: managed store sparql endpoint is not a valid URI"); } } private void checkParams() { boolean incompleteParams = false; if (managedStoreSparqlEndpoint == null) { logger.error("No SPARQL endpoint of the managed triple store provided"); incompleteParams = true; } if (port == null) { logger.error("No change listening port provided"); incompleteParams = true; } if (incompleteParams) { throw new InvalidParameterException("Provide missing parameters either on command line or in the configuration file " +Rsine.propertiesFileName); } } private void logParamValues() {"Listening for changeset from managed store on port " + port);"SPARQL endpoint of managed store is set to " +managedStoreSparqlEndpoint); if (authoritativeUri == null) { logger.warn("Authoritative uri not set. This may cause problems with some notification queries and disables remote notification"); } else {"Authoritative URI set to " +authoritativeUri); } } }